* I am glad this semester is going better. Last semester was really rough. Just two more semesters after this and I will be done!!
* Please pray that I find an internship in Texas for this summer, that is the desire of my heart right now. I really enjoyed being home for the break in December, and I think I didn't realize how much fun it was until being away so far.
*I hope this semester continues to go smoothly and quickly!!
*I hope my foot heals completely!! I am so ready to walk, not walking for a month is too long!!
*I get to go home this week and I am excited. I will have help from my bros and sis, since I cant walk.
*I am so grateful for the things that God has done in my life!!
*I am praying that I get a visitor ::cough:: while I am in Dallas.
*I know that this year is a year for changes and progress. I am needing to make some changes in many areas of my life and I know that with God and perseverance I can be successful. I also hope that I can make some new friends in New York.
Prayer changes everything so pray, pray, pray and seek God for the desires of your heart. No, we may not always get them when we want them, but God's timing is best!!