Sunday, July 26, 2009

Time is ticking!

One year ago I was packing and getting ready to move to a new city, a new state, a new school and start a new part of my life.
  • Time is just ticking away. This summer has flown by, and so much has happened. I can't believe that in one month I will be back in NY going to school. This time 1 year ago I was getting ready to make the drive to NY and saying my last goodbyes. What a year it was in NY, but I am so thankful for the experience and for what God has in store for this next year! This is the rainbow we saw while driving to my apartment.
Two weeks left at my internship and then I will have completed my 480 hours for school!
  • What an awesome experience this has been! I can't believe I have been in Texas long enough to work 480 hours. Working this internship has given me many opportunities and allowed me to learn so much about public health.
Three siblings I have and am thankful for the time we have spent together this summer. Three months I will be in NY for school before I can come back home for Christmas.
  • I have really enjoyed spending so much time with my brothers and sisters. It has made for quite an exciting and enjoyable summer. This semester will be long and I won't be able to come home for a break , but only 3 months until Christmas break.

Four weeks left until I start school again for the semester.
  • School starts again in four weeks and I am pretty excited. I will be taking one of the three classes I have left to take before I can apply to med school. I will be doing another internship. Only 2 semesters of school left until I have my masters.
Life will continue to go on in numbers and I will continue to be thankful for all that I have. God has blessed me tremendously and I am forever thankful. I am down 11.4 lbs and only have 3.6 lbs to meet my goal for the challenge. If I had to rate this summer, I would say that it has been very successful and rewarding.


Brooklynn said...

What great pictures! Some exciting stuff going on in your life!

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of you and your your dress!

Erin said...

That is a great picture!! I need to come visit before summer ends :(

debi9kids said...

Ok, totally bizarre, but I took a nearly identical photo of a rainbow Sunday night just outside of Philadelphia. (even the background and the angle are the same) WOW!

Kristine said...

Love the picture of you and your bro/sis! Really cute! Great job in the challenge!

Angela said...

I just had to come here and tell you I LOVED your devotional that you wrote at Debi's blog. I wrote something VERY similar on my blog yesterday, even using the same scripture...((hugs))