Monday, October 25, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 5

Day 5-Your siblings

There's four kids in my family. I'm the oldest followed by my brother Tony - who is about to be 22, my sister Josephine who's birthday is a day before mine and is 17, and my youngest brother, DJ who is 13. I love to go back and look at pictures! Pictures are some of my most favorite things! I love taking them and looking at them!


Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

your sibs look pretty amazing!!!

Mike and Katie said...

That so cool that you have a brother named Tony too! Part of the reason Amanda's birthmom chose us was because she wanted Amanda to have a brother named Tony just like she did.

I love the second picture! It's a good set-up for young adults. I love your blue dress too. So cute!