Sunday, April 11, 2010

Even if I walk through a very dark valley

I should be working on my project (100 pages) that is due next Monday, but I am still processing what the Pastor preached about today and I am so very thankful that I got to sit there and hear that sermon this morning.

I have had Psalms 23 memorized since I was a child. My mom used to make us open our Bible to Psalm 23 when we had bad dreams and put it under our pillow and go to back to sleep. Until today I had never really thought about what the verse was saying.

"Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because you are with me."

Many times I don't praise God as often because I am in a valley or I complain because I am in that valley, but being in a valley is more reason for us to praise God. The verse says that we walk through the valley and not that we will stay in the valley. And the great thing about walking in the valley is that we are not alone.

I would have to consider most of my time in New York as a valley for me. This valley may have lasted for two years, but I can see the end. New York was much more bearable once I found a church, and kept praising. As I finish my time up here in New York I am not fearful of what is to come or of any more valleys I may go through because I know that You are with me.

Only 35 days until I am back in Texas, sooo close.

These pictures are from a wedding we went to last week. And yes I have a fake smile in both of them.


Brooklynn said...

35 is nothing! You can do it. The end is near. Keep on keeping on!! Hope you have a good day tomorrow!

Brittany Ann said...

I know the feeling. I am struggling to walk through this valley of my own right now, too. I'm glad I've at least got the refuge of God right now (and always:)

Kate said...

Hey! I'm a new follower from Sometimes Life is Messy. You left a comment (thanks!) asking where in NY I am from... I (and The Hubby) grew up in a town outside of Syracuse!

I need to go further back through your blog to meet you and read why you are currently living in NY. So I'm a happy new follower!