Monday, May 4, 2009


Well, today starts week 2 of boot camp and the challenge. I worked out twice today which is one of my goals for this week, to get in more cardio. I took a crazy step class, but it was fun and I was sweating hard core!! I felt accomplished after working out twice. I didn't drink as much water as I should have, but the day isnt over yet!! I bought baked cheetos at the store yesterday, and they are delicious. I am glad that I made a healthier snacking choice. 3.5lbs, 3.5lbs!!! I hope with my extra work outs I can achieve the goal I have set for my self this week. 

What is that you ask, am I still studying for finals? Yes, yes I am. Unfortunately! :( Pray that my brain absorbs all of this information!! But really, if you pray ask God that I can pass this class. My stress level is way too high right now, I cannot wait until Thursday at about 730pm!! 


Stephanie said...

Thank you so much, Kristi, for your support!! And YOU GO GIRL!! You are doing so great with the challenge! Keep it up!!!

BTW, one of my cheats was ice cream and OMG, it was the BEST ice cream I've ever had my entire life!!!

Loren Linn Webb said...

You can do this girl !! You are going to pass your test and pass your class. I am praying for you !! Oh by the way .. I will get to work on that blog header as soon as I can. I promise I have not forgotten. :)