Sunday, September 6, 2009

1 cheat down!!

"Good things come to those who don't eat ice cream!"
After what seems like a long time, but what has really only been a couple of days I was able to get the cheat I wanted. The Red Velvet cake part just melted in my mouth and the cream cheese/cheesecake part was soooooo sweet. It was a little too sweet for my new found taste buds! I loved this dessert this summer, but I do not think I would use it as a cheat again. It was like a sugar overdose for my poor veggie and fruit eating body. It's weird how your taste for things change over time.

My working out is going good and I can report that after two weeks I am down 5 lbs!! Only 5 left until my Challenge 3 goal is met and I am now 5 lbs closer to being under 200lbs! There will be a giant party the day I get to 199!

This semester is going to be filled with reading, but I will survive! I worked on some of my reading this morning and have some to do before my Tuesday class and my Thursday class. We submitted our resumes and internship preference on Friday, so I am praying for a wonderful paid internship experience for this semester!

God is soo good and I am just in awe of how much he is continually doing for me. I never took the time to just sit back and take it in and recently I have and I am learning more and more to depend on God and his timing. God's timing is always the best timing.


Mike and Katie said...

Wow! I'm sorry it wasn't as good as you thought it would be, but that's a huge step in long term weight loss. Now a cheat for me is something expensive they I don't normally buy like fresh salmon. There is nothing like fresh salmon baked salmon with a little bit of sea salt.

Anonymous said...

I hope I get to come to that party-lol! I like your picture of your cheat....I think it would be great if everyone took it that seriously!!!

Brooklynn said...

YAY!! You got your cheesecake! It looks so yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!