Thursday, January 28, 2010

#27 Buy a Stranger a Meal

So far I have completed two things off my 101 things in 1001 days. Today I bought a stranger a meal and what a great feeling it was! I was leaving Auto Zone and at the corner a lady was holding a sign that said "Homeless Veteran, please help." So I rolled down my window to see if she was hungry and if I could buy her a meal at a nearby restaurant. She said that would be great, so I turned around back into the shopping center and had her meet me at Mr. Subb. I let her choose the sandwich she wanted and made it a combo meal for her. She seemed genuinely thankful for the sandwich meal.

So I asked her where she served, seeing that she was a "veteran" and all and she told me Afghanistan. How much of that I believe, I don't know but to each there own. I almost asked her if I could take a picture with her since I happened to have my camera and had made plans to blog today, but I thought that might be rude! haha

Now I can cross something off of my list - #27 Buy a stranger a meal

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

As I Sit Here at School

As I sit here at school waiting for my class to start so many things run through my mind. The number one thing that constantly stresses me out is finding a job. I keep telling myself that God has a much better plan than I do, but I just don't want to live in New York much longer. I think that everything happens for a reason and for a person to grow you must be taken out of your comfort zone. I have been taken out of my comfort zone and then some. Deep down in my heart I desire to move back to an area where I will truly enjoy life, church, friends and family. That is my prayer. So, maybe instead of praying for a job I will pray for those things and know that a job is only a small piece to the puzzle. I would love to move back to Texas, specifically the DFW area, but that may not happen. I pray for it, but am understanding if my prayer isn't answer specifically as I would hope for.

I also sit here and think about the two classes I have this semester and how I long to pass them with FLYING colors! Hoff's class is going to be hard, really hard. But I will push harder than ever before in order to get amazing marks. Families in the Community will be interesting and should be fairly easy. I am almost done with my master's degree!! Yikes!! :)

Lastly, I think about how I went to give blood today and I couldn't. My iron wasn't high enough - not enough red meat. It's hard to be healthy because it seems as if one part goes well and another isn't. I eat more veggies, but not enough red meat. {As I think about all these things I realize that God does not desire perfection, but my best. He desires for me to work hard at what I do and honor Him in it all. I may stumble and fall but He's always there.}

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh life!

So I just thought I would ramble real quick before I start studying {blah}.
  1. Pray for my semester! One class will be fairly easy while the other will not be .. not in the slightest!
  2. I already completed something on my 101 list!! I will blog about it later this week!
  3. I haven't work out this week {eek!} So I made a date with the gym for 7!! It's a must!!
  4. Only 15 weeks until graduation!!
  5. I've been taking a multi-vitamin everyday!!
  6. I made Taco Soup the other day - yummmmmmy!! And very few calories!! I will be able to eat soup for at least two - three weeks!!
Well, I think thats all my brain can muster up right now. I need to go read!! Happy Tuesday!! :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

101 in 1001 finished!!

Yippee!! I finished my 101 in 1001!! If you would like to join me on any of these adventures please feel free to let me know!! It will be great to do some of these things with other people!!
So without further ado, Kristi's 101 in 1001 days!!

1. Read the Bible cover to cover
2. Live in Texas again
3. Milk a cow
4. Go to the Oprah show/see Oprah
5. Visit at least 10 of the 50 states (preferably with Erin :))
6. Buy a meal for a stranger behind me in a drive thru
7. Take at least 5 angels from the angel tree
8. Become involved in Children's/Young Adult Church Ministry
9. Lose 50 lbs
10. Register and finish a 5K
11. Run a 1/2 marathon
12. Take a picture a day for a month
13. Find a job I thoroughly enjoy
14. Apply to med school {eek}
15. Take the MCAT again
16. Take Physics II
17. Learn to sew (with clean lines)
18. Foster (put on hold)
19. Graduate with a Master's Degree
20. Go to top of Statue of Liberty/visit the State of Liberty
21. Susan G Komen 3 Day Walk for Breast Cancer
22. Watch Erin graduate from nursing school at Tech (She watched me graduate)
23. Sing in the church choir/praise and worship team
24. Get a new lens for my camera
25. Go through my closet and make a give away pile
26. Be on time to work
27. Buy a stranger a meal
28. Go back to Lubbock and visit the Hughes and the Jacksons
29. Do a devotional
30. Buy 10 crosses for my cross collection
31. Meet a blogger friend
32. Make Erin's dog Sissy a blanket
33. Go to a Texas Tech Football game
34. Go to a farm
35. Go to Six Flags
36. Bless someone without them knowing its from me
37. Work out 24 of the 30/31 days of a month
38. Buy new sheets
39. Grocery shop according to a list and not deviate
40. Take a multi-vitamin every day
41. Play tennis
42. Be truly happy with my body
43. Watch one movie a week at the movie theatre for a month
44. Eat the recommended value of fruits and vegetables for a day
45. Cook 5 new recipes in a month
46. Find a church small group
47. Take some pictures for a family
48. Go without ice cream for a year
49. Bake cupcakes from Martha Stewart's book and deliver to the daycare
50. Visit a Senior Citizen Center
51. Have a picnic
52. Go to the Dallas Zoo
53. Volunteer with an organization
54. Make my bed every day for a week
55. Actually do my reading for school
56. Take my winter coats to the dry cleaners
57. Get a pedicure
58. Keep a check register (i do online banking now - so no use)
59. Make a better quilt
60. Remake Jennifer pillow cases but nicer
61. Buy a sewing/embroidery machine
62. Get my car detailed
63. Replace the back window handle on my car from when someone busted the windows
64. Buy a new clicker for my car

65. Pick eggs from a chicken coop
66. Eat the eggs picked from the chicken coop
67. Buy some new jeans
68. Buy a new swim suit
69. Leave a large tip at a restaurant
70. Muddy Buddies
71. Go to a friends wedding
72. Be in a wedding
73. Be below 200 lbs
74. Be below 190 lbs
75. Be below 180 lbs
76. Do morning work outs for a week
77. Have morning quiet time with God
78. Pray before my meals
79. Go camping in a tent (with Erin)
80. Go hiking (with Erin)
81. Go white water rafting (with Erin)
82. Go without my cell phone for a day
83. Pay it forward
84. Workout with Tanna
85. Go to the beach with my brothers and sister
86. Help my sister redo her room
87. Go to one of my brothers football games
88. Help make my sister a mum or garder
89. Tithe over and above
90. Make all of the Christmas presents I give out
91. Paint pottery
92. Buy gerber daisies to put in a vase
93. Memorize new Bible verses
94. Not complain as much
95. Plant a flower garden
96. Plant a vegetable garden
97. Plant a fruit tree/plant
98. Find a new hobby
99. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge
100. Pack up apartment in New York
101. Love unconditionally

Now, I have until September 30, 2012 to complete my 101. If they do not all get completed oh well, but it's fun to have a lists for life to be able to cross things off. This was A LOT harder than I thought it would be! But now instead of wishing I had a list like a lot of others I can now say I have one! What things would you like to get done?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

30 of my 101 in 1001 days

So I thought about my list today and have figured out a few. When my list is done I will begin the countdown and have an official end by date.

  1. Read the Bible cover to cover
  2. Live in Texas again
  3. Milk a cow
  4. Go to the Oprah show
  5. Visit at least 10 of the 50 states (preferably with Erin :))
  6. By a meal for a stranger behind me in a drive thru
  7. Take at least 5 angels from the angel tree
  8. Become involved in Children's Church Ministry
  9. Lose 50 lbs
  10. Register and finish a 5K
  11. Run a 1/2 marathon
  12. Take a picture a day for a month
  13. Find a job I thoroughly enjoy
  14. Apply to med school {eek}
  15. Take the MCAT again
  16. Take Physics II
  17. Learn to sew (with clean lines)
  18. Foster
  19. Graduate with a Master's Degree
  20. Go to top of Statue of Liberty
  21. Susan G Komen 3 Day Walk for Breast Cancer
  22. Watch Erin graduate from nursing school at Tech (She watched me graduate)
  23. Sing in the church choir/praise and worship team
  24. Get a new lens for my camera
  25. Go through my closet and make a give a away pile
  26. Be on time to work
  27. Buy a stranger a meal
  28. Go back to Lubbock and visit the Hughes and the Jacksons
  29. Do a devotional
  30. Buy 10 crosses for my cross collection
Woo .. that was a lot harder than I thought :) Only 71 more, haha! Happy Saturday!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Challenge Update

As far as Challenge 4 goes I am down 3.4 lbs in 3 weeks. Not stellar, but I will take it. I just repaid for another gym membership and will be able to start a steady routine this week. My hope is to get in at least 4 workouts a week until I reach my below 200 goal. I started a bucket list today while I was at work and milking cows, the Bible, Oprah, and weight loss are some of the things on that list.

I have been seeing this 101 in 1001 on lots and lots of blogs recently so I think I will start working on my list this week. As soon as it is complete I will post it on here.

Only 15 weeks until graduation and I plan on being a lot lighter than I was for my undergraduate graduation!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Only two days left until I return to NY. I still need to pack, A LOT! I need to find out about trying this protein shake tomorrow morning. I love Texas weather. I need to work out this week. My future 1/2 marathon is getting closer and closer! Only one more semester in Albany.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Jennifer

(Jennifer, Kristi, Dana)

Yesterday was one of my best friends birthday. I have known her for like 12 years which is more than half my life, haha! So yesterday my food intake was not so good. I have been wearing my bodybugg and have had a deficit almost everyday, but not yesterday. Yesterday I took in almost an extra 1,000 calories :/. I also used a cheat! I hadn't planned to use a cheat, but my Sprinkles cupcake sure did taste good!

But, I will not dwell on yesterday. Instead I will get up and work out even harder today to ensure weight loss for this weeks weigh in.

In happier news, Erin is here!! Yippee!! She will be here until tomorrow and I am excited to workout with her. She always pushes me to a new level. :)

Happy Wednesday!! Hope you had a great birthday, yesterday, Jennifer.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Simply Love Swap

Katie at Loves of Life is holding a Valentines swap! What an exciting way to meet new blogger friends and get some fun stuff in the mail!!

Go on over to Katie's blog to check it out and join!! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Almost Time to Go Back

So, it's almost time for me to go back to school and I am strangely ready to get back into my routine. This week has been a whirlwind and so busy. I couldn't even tell you all the things that I did, ha! I just know that I was busy. Because I love lists here are 6 things since there are 6 days left in the week.

  1. Challenge 4 has started off with a bang! No cheats used and 3.2 lbs down! woot woot! I do have at least one if not two cheats planned for this week.
  2. I go back to NY a week from Tuesday and I do not have any snow boots. :/ I need to work on that.
  3. I need to leave at least one suitcase worth of stuff here in Texas. I came to town with two full suitcases and need to go back with just one.
  4. I graduate in May and get to come home and start a new chapter of my life!!
  5. I am debating getting a MD or PHD .. What do you think I should do?
  6. Tomorrow morning I will be getting up to work out and work out hard! Have you read any good books lately? I highly recommend Redeeming Love. Please go get it ASAP!! I know where you can find it for $5. Let me know if you want a copy. It is the best book I've ever read, and I've read a lot!
Happy Sunday!!

[Look how young I look! I pulled this out of my archives :)]

Monday, January 4, 2010

Challenge 4

My belated birthday dinner with good friends! We had such a good time!!

Today is day 1 of the 4th Challenge and it has been a semi-challenge. I forgot what it was like to not put everything in my mouth {sigh}. BUT my body will be re adjusted by about this time next week. It's all for good though. I am pretty excited about this challenge and my main goal is to not run out of cheats!! :)

I have started my one-year Bible reading and am enjoying the book of Psalm.

Now .. I just need to get to the gym!! Ready, Set, Go ..